Tuesday, April 28, 2009

DAY 2: Discussion Forums, Facebook & Twitter!

Subj: Another Free Traffic Generator...


Hey there Founding Affiliate!

Time to rock and roll...

It's theTrafficplan guys here again with your next Free Traffic Generating/Network Building tip, content and asignment for today. Take action and file this email away for later use and you're
sure to start building your network for the long term...

Free Discussion Forum Posting

It's a very effective way to get long term exposure from a targeted community and from the search engines when done right.

No time for a long lecture on how or why - but your courses:

Social Profit Streams 202 and 303 will give you the specifics and the full lessons on how and why this works so well...

But today is all about ACTION and getting your campaign rolling so it's quick and to the point...

Discussion Forum Posts stay published FOREVER.

Many Discussion Forums attract HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of views
and traffic on a daily basis...

The post you publish today will be seen by people today AND 2 years from now. Think about that... and it's free.

The BIG bonus is that search engines index and pick up hot discussion forum threads and they're found on google, yahoo, MSN - etc... for even more free, targeted exposure.

You'll find a list of some HOT discussion forums targeted to our immediate target niche market below (blue ocean training later will blow your mind and show you how to leverage non-Red Ocean forums to start tapping uncontested markets) but today our pre-launch message is designed to attract folks in our Red Ocean so we'll maximize that first until launch...

There are two critical things to do (simple) when you find a discussion forum to join...

1. Register (look for a little link somewhere to register)

2. Set up profile and "Signature File" <-- very important

What is a signature file?

It's basically your permanent free ad that will be at the bottom of every single post you make in these communities.

Did you get that?

EVERY SINGLE post you make will have a 'free' promo linking to your site! This is the power of forums.

Here is a SUPER short cut:

Most forums code signature files in a different 'language' and I'm including a sample of that code you can copy and paste as you create your signature file:

[url=http://www.YourWebsiteLinkHere.com]Web3.0 Viral Social Profit Streams - Generate Leads & Sales Fast[/url]

All you need to do is customize the link and tweak the message to something you prefer. The only thing that should show up as your 'sig file' is the 'tag line' and when clicked it should direct you to your affiliate site...

The way you test this is to create it - go back to the forum and make a post and test your sig file link by clicking it...

You can get more ideas for tag lines and promos by reviewing what other people use for sig lines and personalize... I've included some samples down below.

PROFILE - always try to complete your profile as much as possible. This is a space to show people who you are and what you're all about.

I usually don't put any personal contact info other than my site link and/or facebook link or blog to prevent blatant spamming to my email, skype or phone...

Ok so we're registered, sig file ready, profile set - time to get know people...

I recommend taking a cruise through the forum on various topics to get a feel for how people communicate and what's hot...


All forums publish how many views and replies each topic (thread) is receiving... it's a smart thing to first look for discussions which are HOT, meaning there is MANY posts, replies etc...

These are the ones attracting the most traffic at the moment and quite possibly getting indexed by the seach engines... by posting here, you add yourself to the thread and you get exposure...

In forums there are "posters" and "lurkers"

Posters are active publishers that post consistently.

Lurkers are people who read but do not post.

Typical rule of thumb: There are 10 times more lurkers than posters in any given thread to imagine that... LOTS of traffic to attract...


Remember your posts will be up FOREVER and will 'brand you' to that community. You want to watch what and how you say things.


Contribute Valuable Tips
Ask Provocative Questions


Argue (even if you're right)
Be Negative

You can take some basic bullet point concepts or statements on your lead capture page or sales page and frame them as questions, help people to information by researching answers and coming back to post solutions etc... being a giver of value and assisting others is always great to brand you as a positive and value-centered person.

No need to push your agenda or blatantly promote ( a big no-no) just contribute and serve... and let your signature file on each post do the attracting and selling for you...

My Formula:

I used this routine to build my first and most responsive lists. It attracted people of high quality that I still work and collaborate with today (years later)...

I picked and settled on my favorite three forums:


And I made it a DISCIPLINE to contribute 2-3 posts each and every day (35 min)...

I shared mainly basics training content on list building, lead capture, autoresponders, email marketing etc... the basics.

You can find many articles on those topics here by using the article search feature on the left side:


Pick 2-3 articles and now you have training 'raw material'. Seek out questions on those topics or start your own threads and teach... simple.

If you've bought internet marketing courses in the past:

PERFECT place to 'show your stuff' as you should have content for days... teach people what you're learning...


Discussion Forums can be ADDICTIVE! DO NOT GET ADDICTED (more than 2 hours per sitting on a forum is ADDICTION!! ;0)

Get in... contribute, research a bit and GET OUT!!! Trust me on that one!

OK... sample posts and quesitons to provoke people and start a conversation:

1. Hey everyone, I just was on a coaching call where the topic was about a vision for Web 3.0 - and the angle was "Social Profit Streams"... really intriguing...

How are you guys implementing social networking into your business? Has it been productive? Any insights greatly appreciated...

2. Thread Title: Viral Social Profit Streams Body Post:

Coaching call coming up on the viral power of Web3.0 - Social Profit Streams... wanted to share.

Cutting edge, generic training to help build any home based business... pretty viral concept - have you heard about it?


Grow Your Self - Grow Your Wealth

Viral Social Profit Streams VIP Coaching Call

Web3.0? Social Profit Streams Go Viral!

A Unique Twist To Attraction Marketing And Viral Social Profit Streams

Is Your List Growing Virally? Web 3.0 Can Help

Generate Free Leads Virally And Grow ANY Business. It's Web 3.0

OMG! Web 3.0 Social Profit Streams - So Viral!

Professionals Are Flocking To Web 3.0 *Viral* Social Profit Streams

Viral List Building - Free Training - VIP Coaching Call

'Those should spur your creative juices and you can create some more sig file tag lines that fit your personality...

Here is a list of some Discussion Forums that were on first page of google... you can use yahoo and other search engines to find some more but this will get you some solutions quick...








It's REALLY SIMPLE to register, get your profile set up and create your signature file in these forums and it's free to participate.

Remember to be a "Value Giver" and a teacher... don't be negative, no matter what... and get in... post - research - 30 min tops and GET OUT!!

Post 2-3 times on 2-3 forums per day for the next 30 days and make it a habit... it's FREE and it works!!

More fun stuff tomorrow...

P.S. Something to add to your "to do" list that takes literally less than 15 minutes:


Get on if you don't have one. Set up your profile. Upload a nice picture.

Now for the sake of BEING FAST here and giving you some ACTION steps, I can't really lay out a full course (it's in your Social Profit Streams 202 course) but here's the point:

We're focused on FIRST mobilizing the "Red Ocean" we're in right now... We need to find targeted and like minded people to start building our network with RIGHT NOW.

The fastest way to do this is to look for leaders in our niche...

And network with their networks...

They've already done some work to build and find like minded people.

From adding them to your friends and followers networks, you'll start tapping and linking to others on autopilot as you follow these instructions:

Time to be fast:

Find: Franco Gonzalez - Mike Dillard - Josh Peak - Jonathan Budd - Daegan Smith
Mari Smith - Angela Giles

These are plenty as many of our networks consist of similar people.

Now start sending out 25 facebook friend requests of these people's friends every day... (10 minutes) there are tools and resources to help automate this, don't worry about that now... just keep it simple...

Same thing on Twitter...

Start Following 50 people per day linked to these names first. Gives a good targeted start... (10 minutes and your teenager can do it for you)

There are two objectives:

1. Start building your base.

2. Start contributing to the community.

Let's keep it simple for now... more details later. Unnecessary now.

Format that helps me:

1. Comment on regular, funny, jokes, personal development quotes, musings... etc... about 5-10 times...

2. Sprinkle in a free training tip every 5-7 posts... (from these emails, or that you link to your blog) and be helpful to the community...

3. About every ten or so posts you can slip in a sweet, and simple promo such as:

"Web 3.0 - Social Profit Streams - SO VIRAL - Vip Coaching Call: YOUR LINK"

Take content from your capture page or sales page like:

"The Locust Effect" and how to avoid it at ALL cost! YOUR LINK"

"The Blue Ocean Strategy: Are you only fishing in the bloody Red Ocean?

Get the picture? You can find all kinds of sweet and simple tag lines in your capture page and sales page to use...

And that's how you start using the power of free social networks to build curiosity and get people to click to find out more about you and get to your site...

There you have it... two simple tactics to begin to implement... again all free...

Till tomorrow...

Day 1: Personal Domain & Email Broadcast

CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to our Founding Affiliate's Campaign

You are now on the cutting edge my friend...

Below you'll find your affiliate link so that you can begin to share this powerful information with the massive market of people eagerly waiting for this solution...

In the following days we're going to walk you step by step through a pre launch promotion process that will position you to build a viral following and create significant buzz so that you can quickly and easily recoup your investment in theTrafficplan.

No stone will be left unturned.

The very first step is to grab your affiliate link

And SAVE Your Login Info



The above link is where you will go to check your commissions and track your marketing efforts.



Now create a domain name at Godaddy.com and 'forward' the domain to your affiliate link (Godaddy has 24 hour phone support team that can walk you through this quickly)...

Step 2.

If you already have an email list and autoresponder, then send
all your lists this broadcast:

Subj: Web3.0 Social Profit Streams VIP Coaching Call!


Hi there {!firstname}, ( <-- code for Aweber autoresponder. Check for your specifics)

It's YOUR NAME here with a quick 'late breaking' announcement:

I've been invited to be one of the first entrepreneurs to learn
about and teach the unique, viral business building strategies
of Web 3.0 - Social Profit Streams...

These are unique concepts just about ready to come to market
that are allowing even complete new marketers the opportunity
to tap into fresh, massive markets, build their lists virally and add
distributors and partners to ANY home based program available.

I'm inviting you to also be one of the first to learn about these
new strategies on a VIP Coaching Webinar that is only allowing
a few serious people in to be the first to learn about it...

Visit this site now and watch the videos there... this is some pretty
amazing information and it can help people grow ANY business online
or offline...


Go ahead and check it out and let me know what you think...

All the best,


[your facebook link]

That's a simple email you can modify and tweak if you want and it's easy to broadcast that out today...

Step 3.

Take some time to review the information and content on the capture page and sales page of your affiliate link and start breaking some bullet points down and swiping some headlines from those pages...

Tomorrow I'll show you how to take that and turn it into simple content you can use on Discussion Forums, social networking sites and twitter so you can start the buzz and get people to your link...

I'll take you step by step and build your team in the next couple weeks with you... no worries, this is going to be fun...

More tomorrow...

P.S. Experienced Marketers:

Blog Posts
Review Sites
Email Broadcasts
Discussion Forums
Press Releases
Squidoo Lenses

You can take bits of content and bullets from your capture page
and sales page and create simple, punchy, attraction messages
to get the word out...

Remember at the heart of it all, theTRAFFICplan is for people
in ALL programs in ANY niche...

Use company specific keywords for PPC campaigns too...

Type in company specific keywords in google and clone or model
some compelling ads there flowing to other 'prospecting systems',
training sites and lead generation solutions...

Punch in your Social Profit Streams Link and test... will work

More specifics on that day three...

Happy Marketing!